
2022年10月18日—Introduction.TheASPImodel(PerayaetJaccaz2004)aimstodescribedimensionsandvariablesthatcaneffecteachprocessinthedesign, ...,2021年8月23日—MycommitmenttotheorganisationcomesaboutbecauseofthevalueIbelieveitaddstoAustralia'sdefenceandstrategicpolicyframework.,Organizationalvaluesplayanincreasinglyimportantroleincontem-poraryorganizations–theyintertwineallsegmentsofbusinessand.,由PBRO...

ASPI model

2022年10月18日 — Introduction. The ASPI model (Peraya et Jaccaz 2004) aims to describe dimensions and variables that can effect each process in the design, ...

An informed and independent voice: ASPI, 2001

2021年8月23日 — My commitment to the organisation comes about because of the value I believe it adds to Australia's defence and strategic policy framework.

Organizational Values as the Basis for Business Excellence

Organizational values play an increasingly important role in contem- porary organizations – they intertwine all segments of business and.


由 P BROMILEY 著作 · 2014 · 被引用 252 次 — Research on organizational aspirations has used various representations of firm-level aspirations and based those representations on various performance ...

The Three

由 L Gratton 著作 · 2003 · 被引用 396 次 — Achieving a high degree of horizontal align- ment implies that an organization has embraced the value of developing and articulating clear HR policies that ...

The three-dimensional people strategy

由 L Gratton 著作 · 2003 · 被引用 396 次 — Achieving a high degree of horizontal align- ment implies that an organization has embraced the value of developing and articulating clear HR policies that ...

Organizational value dimensions

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to clarify the concept of organizational values from the management by values perspective and develop an understanding ...

7organizational values a dynamic perspective

由 H Bourne 著作 · 被引用 382 次 — The framework encapsulates two dimensions con- cerning the nature of organizational values ... aspi- rational values of the acquired members, who may experience ...

The organizational purpose and commitment of Information ...

由 Y Lopez del Huerto 著作 · 2023 — 2.1.2 Dimensions of Organizational Purpose ... Organizational purpose is an organization's reason for being characterized by significance, aspi-.